VIPRESS Theme Features

Escrito por  admin   en       10 años     2353 lecturas     Danos tu opinón  

VIPRESS is responsive wordpress theme, let you choose between dark and light colors, with the ability of uploading fullscreen backgrounds, choosing the site elements color and font ( all google fonts available ), choosing if you want boxed or stretched layouts, transparent or no transparent backgrounds, 4 slider forms, unlimited pages templates, 12 awesome widgets, unlimited sidebars, modular homepage, and more, VIPRESS can be used for each user that want to make a magazine or video site with his own style.


Theme Features

  • Responsive design : the theme looks great on all mojor browsers and devices
  • Dark an light themes
  • 4 Sliders ( You can choose between 4 slider forms )
  • Modular homepage ( You can build your modular homepage easily and add unlimited blocks as you wish, each block can be configured and you can choose between 10 block styles )
  • Unlimited colors
  • Boxed and stretched layouts
  • Logo upload
  • Custom Login logo upload
  • Favicon Upload
  • Apple touche icons upload
  • Fullscreen backgrounds
  • Custom header background
  • Custom category background
  • 600 + Google Fonts ( You can change the font of body, headings, menus, paragraphs…)
  • 50 shortcodes with shortcode generator (  sliders, carousels, lightbox, audio, video, youtube, vimeo, gallery, buttons, dropcaps, tabs, accordions, columns, google map, tooltip….)

Post Features

  • 6 posts templates
  • Post with featured embed video
  • Post with featured soundcloud
  • Post with featured audio file
  • Post with featured video file
  • Custom post background

12 awesome widgets

  • VIPRESS posts widget ( with 6 awesome widget styles )
  • VIPRESS Tabbed widget ( Recent, Popular, Comments )
  • Awesome weather widget
  • Advanced twitter widgets
  • Google + Badge widget
  • Facebook pagelike widget
  • Flickr cool widget ( You can show photos by username or tag )
  • Login widget
  • Simple social icons
  • Social icons with counter ( Can be configured via Settings -> Social Count Plus )
  • Ads widget ( let you configure ads with any size you like )
  • Embed widget ( you can just provide an url from youtube, soundcloud, vimeo, dailymotion, and it will be displayed on widget )

Other Important Features

  • 9 page templates ( page authors, page sitemap, page login…)
  • Custom 404 page
  • Contact form builder ( via add page form )
  • 5 index page templates ( left or right sidebars )
  • 5 category page templates ( left or right sidebars )
  • 5 tags page templates ( left or right sidebars )
  • 5 search page templates ( left or right sidebars )
  • 5 archives page templates ( left or right sidebars )
  • 5 autor page templates ( left or right sidebars )
  • Ads management from theme options panel ( header and bottom ads )
  • News ticker ( can be configured from theme options panel
  • Social icons ( showing up if  on top and footer )
  • Custom sharing buttons ( 6 styles of sharing buttons available )
  • Unlimited Sidebars ( You can create unlimited sidebars and each one can be assigned to a post, a page, a category, a taxonomy, all posts under a category…)
  • Update notifier ( Get notified of new updates if there is a new version available )


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